Transfer domains
Take advantage of all the benefits of managing your domains with us
Transfer your domain in 3 easy steps
Type in the domain you want to bring and click on transfer
Complete the purchase process
Confirm the transfer with the AuthCode or via e-mail in your customer area
The time taken to complete the transfer once the steps have been completed will depend on the domain extension. The average time is between 5 and 7 days.
Do you need help to transfer your domain?
Transfer a domain is a delicate process, if you have any questions, please contact us and we will help you. You can also check our support centre for available guides.
Consult guidesDo you want to transfer a domain with a website?
If you wish to transfer your website with the domain, you will need to purchase a hosting plan along with the domain, and you will need a backup of your website in order to upload it once the transfer is complete.
View Web hosting and E-mail plansAdvantages of managing your domains with DonDominio
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Contact online supportWhat implies transferring a domain?
A domain transfer implies a registrar or provider change, and having to update the domain contact data.
What's needed to transfer a domain?
It depends on the domain extension, for .COM and the vast majority of generic extensions and new domains extensions you'll need:
- Wait a minimum of 60 days after the registration.
- Unlock the domain.
- The AuthCode of the domain.
For .ES domains:
- Access to the email associated to the administrative contact, in order to be able to accept the transfer process.
What's the domain AuthCode?
The AuthCode, EPP code or transfer code, is a code that your actual registrar should provide to you to be able to accept the transfer of .COM, .ORG, .NET and many more domains.
When transferring a domain, is the website also transferred?
No, a domain transfer does not entail the transfer of the website, those are separated services, in order to migrate the hosting with the web page it'll be needed making a backup of the files to be able to upload it to the new server once the transfer is done.
When can a domain be transferred?
The vast majority of domain extensions can be transferred in any moment, it's not necessary to wait till the expiration date.
How long does it take to complete a domain transfer?
It depends on the domain extension, it could be from a few hours (for .ES domains) or from 5 to 7 days for the vast majority of domain extensions (the ones that requires a authcode).
Does a domain transfer have a cost?
It depends on the domain extension, in most cases, like .COM, the transfer has a cost and the domain expiration date is renewed by one year. For .ES domains, the transfer is free unless there are 30 or fewer days left for the expiration date, in that case the transfer will have a cost and the domain will be renewed.
How to transfer a domain to another person?
In order to transfer a domain to another person, it's necessary to make a change of the domain ownership. If the new owner wants to manage the domain from the same registrar, it'll be necessary to do also an internal transfer within the registrar. If the new owner is going to manage the domain from another registrar, it'll be needed a transfer to the new registrar.