Modify the DNS records

Modify the DNS records on MrDomain

The DNS records of a domain are used to point that domain to the server that hosts the content that we want to display. These records can be modified at any time from the client area by following these steps:

1 - Access to the domain list

The first step is to access our customer area and, from there, go to the domains list.

Domains section

2 - Domain management

Find the domain you want to modify the DNS records for and click the "Manage" -> "Manage Domain" button.

Domains section

3 - Modify DNS

Within the domain management we go to the "DNS" section and click on the three points to open the menu and select "Edit DNS servers". A pop-up window will open with two options:

Domains section

1 - MrDomain DNS Servers

This option will configure the MrDomain DNS Servers, so the domain will point to the hosting you have contracted with us.

Domains section

2 - Personalized Servers

By selecting this option we will be able to configure the DNS records of an external provider. Add each DNS server in its corresponding box and click on "Save".

Domains section

After modifying the DNS records, the change needs to be propagated throughout the network. This process takes between 6 and 12 hours to complete, although it may vary for some domain extensions. If you have any doubts about the propagation time, you can check it on the extension information page or contact our support team.

Do you need help?

Our support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have before you take your first step into the digital world.

Where to start?

The first step for your new project is to search for an available domain.

Search domains