Create e-mail forwarding from WebMail

Create an e-mail forwarding from WebMail is very easy, to do it you'll only need an existing e-mail address under your domain, to create one, follow this steps from our help: Create an email account

Once you have a working e-mail account, access it from webmail: (change for your domain) and follow this steps:

  1. Go to the "Configuration" option in Webmail
  2. Press the "Filter" tab
  3. Press the "+" symbol that appears at the bottom left side of the website
  4. Add a name to the filter, select the option "Filter rules: all messages".
    At the "Filter actions" press the green "+" button, a new action will be added (we need to forward the message and save it in WebMail, if you don't do so the forwarded e-mail will be deleted from the server). Select the "Forward message to" and write the e-mail address where you want the e-mails to be forwarded, finally, at the second option select "Copy message to" and select "Incoming mail" or the folder you prefer. Save the filter.
  5. You just created the forwarding of all the incoming e-mails.
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Where to start?

The first step for your new project is to search for an available domain.

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